Sunday, January 13, 2008

teen pregnancy: best outcome

Teen pregnancy is a period of crisis, both for the kids involved as well as their parents. It is probably the most stressful event that can occur in a youth and parent's life. When I council kids on pregnancy issues I always contrast the excited expectation my wife and i had as soon-to-be parents, with my home ready to recieve this precious new gift. My family so excited to welcome a new addition. This is in stark contrast to an unwed couple who is scared of their parent's reaction. Who share the news of pregnanacy with fear, anxiety and dread. That the child is not seen as a welcomed addition but an unexpected mistake. Children coming into the world deserve the best, not starting off on the wrong foot.

When youngsters opt to keep their child I recommend that they try to finish their education and get more than a high school diploma if possible. It is important that they not have another child until they are good and ready for the next: more mature, emotionally and finacially settled, married, etc. When this occurs it is best for everyone, the parents, the child and the rest of the family. Everyone makes mistakes but it is important not to fall into the same traps and try to limit the consequences as well as make the best a difficult situation.

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